One of the coolest things about being late to adopt a game system is the fact that you can play all the games that everyone else has raved about at a fraction of the cost.
I was late to the PS3 experience, buying it when it finally reached a relatively reasonable price point. I still had a few distractions (namely Halo) that kept me busy, but now I'm at a point where I can start taking full advantage of it.
It's great to go to Gamestop and see a wall full of games that I have yet to explore. Sure I'm late, and most everyone else has already gotten tired of most of them, but that benefits me cause now I can get in on their trade-ins! I started the party with the Ratchet and Clank series, a game that I sorely missed from my PS2 days. Next it'll be Uncharted 1 & 2, after that maybe Infamous. If you've noticed a trend of exclusives, that was purposely done. Most of the newer titles that are available for multiple platforms I got on the Xbox 360. I really don't have much of a reason why...just that most of the people in my gaming circle I met through Xbox Live, so I get more out of each title when I go 360 instead of PS3.
I do, however, have to take a timeout to say I am really impressed with what all came out of the box with the PS3. The Xbox was cheaper, and was released a full year earlier so when I had the choice, cost and game selection won me over (a choice that I haven't regretted). But now, being able to get everything you need built in without buying any add-ons is great. Even being able to pair my old bluetooth headsets with the system is a really nice, and unexpected touch (thanks Sony). I almost feel like I would have gotten my money's worth even if I had been an earlier adopter...almost.
All and all, I am loving the fact that I can enjoy most of these titles for around $30 each. And who knows, maybe after a bit of exploration into it's features and more game time, my preference may switch. But as for now, both my thumbs and my pockets are very happy!!!
-- Posted From My iRod
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