Since I'm not under contract with my cable company anymore they keep calling trying to get me to sign up for their 2 year price guarantee scam (which is another story altogether). This time, however, I had a question for they have any 3D channels? They don't, he knew that they didn't, but instead of telling me that, they decided to try telling me that the 3D TV's do it on their own. Really...they want me to believe that it's the tv, and not the signal when I know for a fact that there are only 3 TV's, at present, that can upscale a normal signal to 3D. The rest depend on some type of external 3D device or signal. When I called him on it, instead of the usual persistence, he was quick to get off the phone.
Did they lie, technically, no. But did they try to mislead me...HECK YEAH!!! They were betting on ignorance...on the fact that I was just some mind dead consumer that would believe anything he fed me. I guess I'm just venting here but, I REALLY dislike those types of business practices.
Had I been the person they thought I was, I would have blindly went out and bought a 3D TV thinking that with Charter, I would have this awesome experience out of the box, but that might not have been the case. Not unless, I lucked up on one of those, elite 3 upscaling models, I would have been very disappointed.
Ok, I guess I'm done now.
-- Posted From My iRod
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