Friday, November 19, 2010

A Diamond Among Gems

Because developers seem to want to release their programs in Apple's App Store first, if you have an iDevice, you are sure to have a plethora of apps to browse through at any given time. Among all the clutter, there are apps that stand out...the gems, if you will. However, there are also those apps that seem to be a game changer...the ones that change how you use your device altogether. These 'diamonds' can be different for each of us. I stumbled upon one of those apps for me yesterday...Napster.

I've had a Napster subscription for years. In the past, because of compatibility concerns, this service has dictated which mp3 players I can buy and, most importantly, which mobile phone I can carry. When the iPhone 3G came out, I went against the grain and purchased one, knowing full well that it wouldn't be compatible with my more unlimited downloads on my mobile phone. It wasn't ideal, but it was a trade off I was willing to bare. Well, just recently I found that Napster had an app that fixed this problem for me. Albeit late, I do now have access to my streaming content on my now current iPhone 4!!! Needless to say, this has changed the way I listen/discover new music on my device. I can't express how excited I am about getting this's almost like I got a brand new shinny toy, I just can't seem to put this phone down now!!!

Integrating so many different things into one device has turned what I thought to be a convenient device to have into a necessary device to have. Starting with the features that first attracted my attention:
-built-in GPS, mobile Internet, and email,
-then it was all the gaming and entertainment apps which seem to grow more abundant everyday,
-next has to be all of the social apps, which include IM clients, Facebook, etc,
-then Netflix and Hulu really changed things for me when they introduced their streaming content,
-and now I have Napster.

I just don't know how we all got along without our mobile devices in the past. They have become so integral in my life that I think I'd be handicapped without it. That would be an interesting experiment, one full day without my smartphone...nah, to painful to even think about!!! Lol

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Does Anyone Remember the American Gladiators?

YouTube Video

My neighbor and his son playing with the jousting set I built. I got the idea from the American Gladiators.

I fashioned the jousting poles from swimming pool noodles and the pedestals was easy enough...wooden octagons. I built it for the Fall Festival at my school. It was a huge hit. I had a constant stream of contestants. The best matches were between wouldn't believe the amount of aggression that was displayed. I guess it gave them an opportunity to hit each other without the usual consequences. Nevertheless, they loved it...and before putting it away for next year my neighbor had to teach his son a valuable lesson, cheaters never win!!!

-- Posted From My iRod

Late To The Game...and Loving Every Minute!

One of the coolest things about being late to adopt a game system is the fact that you can play all the games that everyone else has raved about at a fraction of the cost.

I was late to the PS3 experience, buying it when it finally reached a relatively reasonable price point. I still had a few distractions (namely Halo) that kept me busy, but now I'm at a point where I can start taking full advantage of it.

It's great to go to Gamestop and see a wall full of games that I have yet to explore. Sure I'm late, and most everyone else has already gotten tired of most of them, but that benefits me cause now I can get in on their trade-ins! I started the party with the Ratchet and Clank series, a game that I sorely missed from my PS2 days. Next it'll be Uncharted 1 & 2, after that maybe Infamous. If you've noticed a trend of exclusives, that was purposely done. Most of the newer titles that are available for multiple platforms I got on the Xbox 360. I really don't have much of a reason why...just that most of the people in my gaming circle I met through Xbox Live, so I get more out of each title when I go 360 instead of PS3.

I do, however, have to take a timeout to say I am really impressed with what all came out of the box with the PS3. The Xbox was cheaper, and was released a full year earlier so when I had the choice, cost and game selection won me over (a choice that I haven't regretted). But now, being able to get everything you need built in without buying any add-ons is great. Even being able to pair my old bluetooth headsets with the system is a really nice, and unexpected touch (thanks Sony). I almost feel like I would have gotten my money's worth even if I had been an earlier adopter...almost.

All and all, I am loving the fact that I can enjoy most of these titles for around $30 each. And who knows, maybe after a bit of exploration into it's features and more game time, my preference may switch. But as for now, both my thumbs and my pockets are very happy!!!

-- Posted From My iRod